Available fireplaces for your home aren’t just masonry, gas-fueled, or wood-burning appliances anymore. Electric fireplaces have claimed a spot among the efficient...
You may think fondly of your gas fireplace and not just because of treasured memories enjoying fires with loved ones. A gas...
While the blazing fire inside the fireplace is keeping your family warm, temperatures inside the chimney can be as hot as a...
After enjoying cozy fires all winter, it’s time to close your fireplace for spring and summer. Spring cleaning won’t be complete if your fireplace is...
If you are looking for a way to upgrade your fireplace as a focal point, you may want to upgrade indoor firewood storage. The natural...
There’s nothing more relaxing than the warmth of a fireplace during a cold winter night. It offers the much-needed heat to beat the freezing temperatures. But...
Are you in the process of building a home with a fireplace, or have you decided to add a fireplace to your...
It’s hard to believe how fast the year goes by. So many things to do, but not enough time to get it...
A beautiful fireplace will add character, charm and sophistication to a home. And thanks to new technology that makes fireplaces safer and...