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Chimney Sweep Service in DeWitt, IA

It isn't always easy to find a chimney sweep you can depend on, but if you are looking for a trustworthy chimney sweep service in DeWitt, Iowa, look no further than Dubuque Fireplace and Patio. We have been the go-to chimney sweep service for homeowners like you for decades. Find out for yourself why we have been, and continue to be, the top chimney sweep service in the DeWitt, Iowa, area. Here are a few of the services we provide.

Leaky Chimney Repairs in DeWitt, Iowa

Leaky Chimney Repairs

Have you noticed water stains on the ceiling and on the walls near your chimney? If the answer is yes, then your chimney and your De Witt, Iowa, home itself are in danger of damage from chimney leaks. When your chimney has leaks, it can do immutable harm to its structure and your home if there is no intervention. When water is inside your chimney, it causes damage from freeze-thaw cycles, and it will surely find its way into your fireplace and wreak havoc there as well. Rusted components, mold growth, and water in your firebox are just a few of the issues that spring from leaky chimneys. We can fix your chimney regardless of whether it's a cracked crown or damaged mortar. We can quickly repair your chimney. To verify your chimney has a leak, it first needs to be inspected. Read on to find out more.

Chimney Inspections in DeWitt, Iowa

Thorough Chimney Inspections

In order to ensure that your chimney doesn't develop leaks or other issues, it is of the utmost importance that it should be inspected at least annually or sooner if you use your fireplace frequently. We will inspect your chimney on the exterior and interior to ensure there is nothing wrong. We will be able to tell quickly by looking at the outside of your chimney if there is any damage. On the inside of your chimney, we use specialized video equipment to look for things such as creosote buildup (a highly flammable substance) or if there are any breaches in your chimney liners. Damage to your chimney liner can cause high heat and dangerous fumes to enter your home. If, after we have examined your chimney and fireplace, we find that there is damage, we will provide you with a written estimate of the cost and the extent of the repairs.

Chimney Brick Repair in DeWitt, Iowa

Chimney Repairs

Sometimes, you don't even need to have your chimney inspected to see damage. Things such as your chimney having loose or broken bricks or disintegrating mortar are self-apparent. It doesn't take an engineer to realize that your chimney leaning to one side will lead to disaster. Are these some of the issues with your chimney? Dubuque Fireplace and Patio can help. We have performed numerous chimney repairs in and around DeWitt, Iowa, so we know the types of fireplaces that are common here and exactly how to fix any damage. It doesn't matter if it's a broken chimney crown, damaged chase cover, or loose and broken bricks; our professional chimney sweeps have the training to efficiently and effectively repair damage to your chimney.

Chimney Sweep and Cleaning Services in DeWitt, Iowa

Chimney Sweep Services

We know chimneys better than anyone else in DeWitt, Iowa, and that is why we are the clear choice for chimney sweep service in the area. Choosing the right chimney sweep is vital to the long-term well-being of your chimney and your DeWitt, Iowa, home. How can you be sure that Dubuque Fireplace and Patio is the right choice for chimney sweep services? We are certified by the National Fireplace Institute (NFI), and we are members of the National Wisconsin Builders Association. You may be thinking- why do I need to hire a chimney sweep? We have already touched upon the subject, but you should be sure that your chimney has no issues that could endanger you or your family. One such issue, as we stated, is the buildup of creosote in your chimney. Creosote is an easily ignitable substance that occurs when wood is burned in your fireplace, and too much buildup can lead to a chimney fire. Another common issue in DeWitt, Iowa, is chimney blockages caused by debris such as leaves, pine needles, sticks, and loose debris that can create hazardous blockages where carbon monoxide can't be vented through your chimney. It is crucial that all blockages of your chimney are removed. Again, if you use your fireplace frequently, be sure to have it checked often. Once after winter and once in the fall before you start using it again.

Furnaces and Boilers in DeWitt, IA

Furnaces and Boilers

Are you interested in eliminating those cold spots in your home that plague you during the winter? We sell and install furnaces and boilers in De Witt, Iowa, to combat those icy months. Here is what we can do for you:

Boilers in DeWitt, Iowa

In DeWitt, Iowa, we use various methods to heat our homes and businesses. A wood-burning boiler is an efficient appliance that heats water and sends it through a heating system. The hot water is then circulated throughout your home. Boilers are a time-tested way to ensure that your home stays warm this winter.

Furnaces in DeWitt, Iowa

Indoor wood burning and pellet burning furnaces are another proven way to heat your DeWitt, Iowa home. Not only are the furnaces efficient, but they will lower your heating bills. However, they are also environmentally friendly, utilizing a renewable resource for fuel.

Fireplaces and Inserts in DeWitt, IA

Fireplace Sales and Installation

Nothing provides a cozy feeling quite like a fireplace or an insert. An aesthetically pleasing fireplace enhances your DeWitt, Iowa home. Regardless of whether you want a new fireplace to go with your new home or you want to match the hearth and mantle of your old fireplace and have an insert installed, we have the solution for you.

We are experts in all types of installations and can help you decide what kind of heating system will work for you. Our chimney sweeps are trained and experienced in fireplace and insert installation and will install with little disruption to your home. We can install your fireplace and handle all the chimney work quickly. Get the fireplace you envision in your home installed right away.

Find Out Why DeWitt, Iowa Trusts Dubuque Fire Place and Patio

See why your family, friends, and neighbors trust us. If you are in Dewitt, IA; Clinton, IA; Camache, IA; Goose Lake, IA; or Wheatland, IA, call us at 563-582-5156 or use our simple online contact form. Let us be your chimney sweep service in DeWitt, Iowa.


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