(563) 582-5156
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Are You Aware of These 4 Common Chimney Dangers?

A variety of things can happen to a chimney system to cause it to stop being beneficial to your home and turn into a serious danger. If you use a fireplace and chimney, here are four potential dangers to be aware of and how to prevent or remedy them.

damaged flashing repair, dubuque IA1. Leaky chimney

A chimney that leaks can do a lot more than deposit some water in your firebox or create a damp patch or two on your walls or ceiling. If left unattended, a leaky chimney can lead to widespread water damage throughout the chimney masonry as well as adjacent parts of your home.

Common reasons for chimney leaks include damaged bricks and mortar, a cracked chimney crown, and warped or missing chimney flashing. If you suspect you have a leak, contact a qualified chimney repair company sooner rather than later. Prevent most leak issues before they happen by having your chimney inspected once a year.

2. Damage to the flue liner

Chimney liners are commonly built from clay tiles, a poured-in-place compound, or stainless steel. All varieties are strong and resilient, but as time passes they can fall into disrepair. Chimney fires, which can be small and go completely unnoticed by the homeowner, are often the reason for liner damage.

A compromised chimney liner will allow the intense heat from fires to contact interior chimney bricks as well as combustible nearby materials of the home. Damaged liners also can allow toxic flue gases such as carbon monoxide to escape into the home. Creosote that sits in the flue and clings to chimney liners is another reason for liner damage, due to the acidic properties within the creosote.

You should always have your chimney liner inspected after a known chimney fire. Liners also can be inspected at other times with special video imaging equipment. Repairs should be made before you use your fireplace again.

3. Creosote buildup

Creosote not only can eat away at chimney liners, but it also can ignite and start a chimney fire. Creosote forms when smoke condenses in the chimney flue. This substance needs to be cleaned, or “swept,” by a licensed chimney professional at least once a year.

Highly flammable, especially in later stages, creosote is the cause of most chimney fires in the U.S. each year. As noted above, a chimney fire can be small and brief, but every fire can cause damage to the chimney system.

Chimney debris, dubuque IA4. Drafting obstructions

Another serious chimney danger is when the flue is obstructed by outside debris such as leaves and twigs from nearby trees and the nesting material of small animals. When smoke can’t move efficiently through the flue, it can back up into the house.

Smoke is no fun, but much worse is the carbon monoxide it carries. Carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless and is known to be potentially fatal to humans and animals. Professional chimney sweeps can remove chimney obstructions and install a full-width chimney cap to prevent further problems from occurring.

Dubuque Fireplace & Patio of Dubuque, Iowa, can resolve any chimney issues and prevent many of them from happening in the first place. Our NFI-certified technicians provide chimney sweep services, full chimney inspections, and all manner of chimney repairs and rebuilding work. Get your chimney problems solved by calling us at
(563) 582-5156.

Residents of the Highland, WI, area can contact our sister company, Chimney Specialists at
(608) 929-4887.


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